About Us
Empowering asset owners to increase life cycles and maximise returns for key infrastructure.
With over 12 years of delivering successful GFRP Projects
Inconmat has established a solid status as a best-of-breed product and service provider, providing long-term durable solutions for infrastructure assets, resulting in high financial returns on investment as well as lowering the impact on the environment.
The technology and power for change in the built environment are in all our hands to leave a legacy for future generations by breaking the cycle now.
Inconmat serves the construction marketplace via engineering engagement, manufacturing, and supply of numerous products as well as providing turn-key design and construction services as required.
We’re proud to lead the way in developing a more environmentally sensitive and effective approach to the built environment, this is reflected in every decision we make – from the choice of materials, processes, construction, waste management, and ongoing maintenance – At all times taking into account the ecological, environmental, social and economic outcomes of each of our client’s projects.
Inconmat has partnered with organisations on a process of renewal and value creation through the supply of truly sustainable construction products. We are also research partners with leading Australian universities and their students, investing in the research and development of engineered products and solutions.